Wim Van Roy
Co-founder SnowVision
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Wim Van Roy
Wim started skiing at 4 years old and has been a passionate wintersports person ever since. At SnowVision he leads the day-to-day operations. Being out on the slopes every saison, Wim is always looking for new ideas to improve SnowVision. Wim has an aerospace engineering degree from TU Delft, the Netherlands, and a management degree from Vlerick Business School, Belgium.

Jan Van Roy
Mostly driven by his impatience to loose valuable skiing time, Jan was the steam engine behind the first developments of the SnowVision goggles. With his passion for skiing and know-how as an engineer, he made a vast contribution to the goggle development. Unfortunately, Jan passed away early January 2019. In his honour, we decided to call the first model of the goggle 'Ottho' refering to Jan's middle name.

Charles Vanmarsenille
Business Development
Charles brings his sports passion to work closely with SnowVision. He has completed his MSc in General Management from Vlerick Business School and is always looking forward to learning new things.